Bruce Fundraiser

Big Bruce Bash!
This year the Year 12 leaders decided to bring back the colour and the fun, but this time it was called the “Big Bruce Bash”. With only a week to the event, we had to race to get everything ready; promoting the event with posters, encouraging involvement, and speaking at assembly, as well as organising the house for the food and spiders on the day.
Our hard work paid off, as we tallied up the numbers – a whopping 145 students and 20 staff members had enrolled to partake in the event. Three times the amount as compared to previous years. It was going to be epic!
The day of the BIG BRUCE BASH!
The day of the BIG BRUCE BASH was super exciting, walking around and seeing students and teachers with their wristbands was endearing as it showed their eagerness to support the event and our chosen charity.
When lunchtime came the masses enjoyed eating baked goods while listening to some fantastic tunes as they eyed off the already mapped out battle area. Finally, when it hit 2:40pm, with all classes finishing early for the day, the crowd started to build. There were lines of students waiting to order spiders or purchase some yummy cookies. Each participant started heading off to their designated area. We pulled our House groups together to discuss tactics and how we would win this colourful battle. And, when our plans to steal the flags were in place, the countdown began...
It was chaos in the best possible way, with coloured powder flying everywhere and onto everything. No one made it out clean, but by the end, they did have a new rainbow shirt.
As we took a moment to observe, we saw kindness, love, respect and lots of bright colour. We were humbled by the willingness, generosity and beauty of our community as we come together as a family all for a worthy cause, The Smith Family.
On Behalf of Clara, Dhruva and Ms Benavides we would like to thank the many staff that were involved on the day and in the preparation, whether it was participating in the main event, supervising a gate, supervising a stall, selecting the music, or being the MC. A massive thank you to Bruce House for all your generous donations for the sales. To the HoH and Year12 Leaders – thank you for helping us achieve such a fantastically fun BIG BRUCE BASH 😊
Bruce Leaders
Supporting The Smith Family
The Smith Family believes that education is one of the most powerful agents of change in the world. That's why they are dedicated to assisting young Australians in overcoming educational inequalities stemming from poverty.
Every day, The Smith Family works with thousands of children and their families, helping them unlock brighter futures.