
Music Notes
Successful Music Information Night
The music Information Night that was held on Thursday 8 February was a very successful event. The Huntingtower Symphony Orchestra were our musical hosts and demonstrators of instruments, which was very appreciated by the 100+ parents and students in attendance. Many students have started private lessons and or joined our ensembles because of this successful event. However, it is never too late to join in on the fun of making music at Huntingtower – we will always welcome new and experienced students throughout the year. The best place to start is our HT Connect Music Centre page (
Amazing Performances at the HT P&F Welcome Picnic!
With over 20 individual acts, the crowd at the P&F Welcome Picnic were thoroughly entertained with a variety of styles of great music. From our soloists, through to small groups, and our large senior ensembles, it was a pleasure to witness the passion and talent on display.
2025 European Music Tour Meeting
On Tuesday 20 February we held an information evening for over attendees to share the itinerary and logistics of the European Music Tour to Germany, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia in April 2025. Much enthusiasm for the tour was obvious with the number of nominations (which close 1 March 2024) being greater than the number of available places on the tour. A selection process is now underway to determine the touring party to provide the optimal combination of voices and instruments.
Autumn Concert
Friday 22nd March (the end of the 2nd last week of Term 1) is the night of our ‘Autumn Concert’. We intend this to be a relaxed event which showcases the progress so far of each of our ensembles. In some cases, it may not be final ‘polished’ performances, or it may be an ‘open rehearsal’, but it will provide that moment of excitement for the students that is a necessary component of musical development.
Parents and friends are most welcome to attend and being a casual event (unlike our Winter and Spring concerts), you can stay or leave as you desire. If the weather is nice, it will be an indoor-outdoor event, so also consider bring a picnic hamper, rug or chairs, and be entertained by our many amazing ensembles! The performance schedule will be shared soon, and a Consent2Go form will also be sent out soon too.
Mr David Mowat
Head of Music