Around the Grounds

New Zealand Hoodies
Introducing the 2024 New Zealand Geography hoodies designed by Tehya S! As soon as it became clear that her design was going to win the poll, Leigh Parsons (our NZ hoodie organiser) immediately raised concerns about ‘cultural appropriation’.
We then set about getting the necessary permissions which entailed a virtual meeting with a local Māori elder (Matua Adrian Tihema) and the Deputy Principal (Russel Dunn) of the local school whose area we’ll be visiting. That meeting was held on Teams where Tehya conducted herself with a maturity beyond her years and calmly explained the evolution and her understanding of the design. With the help of Matua Adrian, we arrived at the final version of the story (attached), and we now have a NZ hoodie that for the first time will include Māori patterns and story, with the blessing of the local iwi (tribe).
You can read the full story via the article below.
Mr Rodney Jones
Geography Teacher & Chess Coordinator
Art Club
Have a look at our lovely Junior School mural which was officially completed last week! The project was started back in October last year with students from the Grades 5 & 6 Art Club. What was a very boring wall in the central play area is now colourful and fun background for the school community to enjoy! We hope you like it!
Mrs Gillian Nix
Junior Art Teacher
EISM Division 1 Carnival - Tuesday 12 March
Best wishes to the Huntingtower Swimming team who will compete in the EISM Division 1 Swimming Carnival at MSAC on Tuesday 12 March. They have been training extra hard to hopefully bring home the Division 1 Trophies again for the 15th year in a row.
Watch this space for results...
Mrs Belinda Baynham
Head of Sport
What's Cooking?
It has been another busy few weeks in the kitchen.
Our Year 7s have been mastering their skills in cooking breakfast, so make sure you order breakfast in bed this weekend. Eggs, bacon, tofu, toasted muffin with avocado, served with a side of juice.
Year 8 have made a delicious stir fry amongst other things and have started to design their own snack. We can't wait to share with you next Bulletin what they come up with.
Year 9 have been perfecting their knife skills with a fresh Bruschetta and garlicy Chicken Souvlaki.
This week our Year 10 students have been whipping up their own products many of us purchase from the shops. A homemade mayonnaise for their BLTs. Plus homemade lemon curd, pastry which has today been used to make a lemon meringue tart.
Year 12's have been taking classics like Tuna Mornay and Supreme Pizza and modifying them to be a delicious healthier version of themselves. Lot's of colours of the rainbow in these products and their vegetable tagine.
Until next time, keep cooking!
Mrs Chrissy Collins
Head of Food Technology