Ways of Being Together, Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

Information & Latest News 

Sacred Heart Run4Fun Colour Explosion Run is back!

What a way to kick off the year! An exciting event to bring our school community together and bring some joy and happiness to our students.


We are so excited to be running the Australian Fundraising Run4Fun Colour Explosion Run again in 2024. Last year was a huge success and we hope this year will be too. Students will have received a booklet at school today which gives you all the details to set up your profile so you can start fundraising.


Erin Stone

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader (Prep - Year 2)



Kirstyn Morgan

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader (Year 3-6)



Andrea Finlay 

P-6 Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader
