Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education News

Aboriginal Education Retreat 

AEA’s and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Focus Teachers spend 2 days focusing on being “Strong on Country''- through connection, resilience and Spirituality.  Strong On Country - Retreat 2024 Report

Save the Date 2024!  Yuga-li Yulu- gi (celebrate Dance) Term 1 Workshops


Coolabah Dynamic Assessment Results

Yr 4 2024 Wii Gaay students will be announced at the start of 2024 by Karen Tighe.

Wii Gaay and Coolabah Dynamic Assessment

Please contact Karen Tighe (ktighe1@arm.catholic.edu.au) for questions regarding Wii Gaay and Coolabah Dynamic Assessment until Hanne Pedersen’s maternity relief has been communicated.