Message from the


Dear Colleagues, 

This is my last eBulletin after 9 years as Director of Schools in the Diocese of Armidale. 


 I have greatly appreciated the support, encouragement and friendship of so many people during my time as Director of Schools.


It has been wonderful to work with a Catholic professional learning community dedicated to the students in our care. I am very grateful for my nine years in the Diocese of Armidale.


My thanks and best wishes to all the CSO and school staff for your hard work and commitment to our Mission and Vision to provide equity for all of our students in our regional, rural and remote setting.


My best wishes and blessings for a happy and holy Christmas to you and your families. 


May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May your God hold you in the palm of His hand.


With sincere thanks and best wishes. May God bless you and your families. 


Chris Smyth

Director of Schools 
