What's Happening at CHPS

PE News

Congratulations to our 2024 sports captains: Sully & Maddison. We look forward to presenting you with your badge at assembly tomorrow!


Running Club:

This week we started our running club again for 2024. If students are interested in building their fitness then feel free to join us. The middle & senior students have their cross country coming up early term 2, so this is a great opportunity to prepare!

Day: Monday

Time: 8:45am

Location: Junior oval (near the spider climbing web)

All runners welcome!


2024 District Swimming: Year 3-6

Reminder: District Swimming is one of our first major sporting events in Term 1 - Monday 26th February (week 5) so for those who may swim competitively outside of school or for anyone interested in heading to the pools, you can trial your favourite stoke!

Qualifying times are below - students are required to be able to swim 50m in their preferred stroke confidently.


Qualifying Times: 

Stroke All age groups 
50m Freestyle Under 55 secs 
50m Backstroke Under 60 secs 
50m Breaststroke Under 65 secs 
50m Butterfly Under 65 secs 


If you would like to submit your time to me, please email laura.yorke@education.vic.gov.au to be considered for District Swimming.


Senior Gala Day: Year 5 & 6

Reminder: The first Senior Gala Day is also coming up on Friday 1st March (week 5). This Friday, we will be refining students for team selection of the various different sports: Basketball, Cricket, Sofcrosse, Tennis, Volley bounce & Tee ball. 

If you are available to assist with trainings on a Friday (12:15-1:30pm) or help on the Gala Day (9:30 - 2:30pm), please contact Jarrod Butcher via email jarrod.butcher@education.vic.gov.au 

A compass event will be sent out for parent consent and payment.

Library News

Welcome back.  Just a few reminders as we settle into the new school year. All students are expected to have a library bag before they can borrow from the library.  It does not need to be anything fancy – a named plastic bag is fine.  Most of the damage done to library books is caused by leaking drink bottles or squashed food (the natural enemies of the book).

We have a great selection of books for borrowing and we are constantly adding new titles to try and keep the library as exciting as possible.  Relaxing with a good book, either reading it yourself, or reading to someone special, seems to be overlooked sometimes in our busy lives but with reading comes so many opportunities.  For those of you with students in the Junior level – please remember that library books are meant to be shared – your child may not be able to read these books on their own.  The reading books that the students in the lower levels take home from the classroom are aimed at their reading level. 

Remember that reading is more than being able to recognise the words on a page. Comprehension is vital! It is a good idea to ask your child some questions about the book they have just read or that you have just read to them.  All children enjoy having books read to them and this is an important part of learning to read and comprehend.  It also has other proven benefits such as improving speech, grammar and vocabulary and providing shared times between children and adults; giving your child the gift of your time is the best gift they can receive.

Students can borrow books for two weeks; Seniors have four weeks.  Overdue notices are first sent home when a book is overdue for 2 – 3 weeks.  Follow up letters and emails are also sent home fortnightly after this. If you receive a notice and are sure that the book has been returned, please ask your child to see us in the library.  A book is not considered returned until it is in the library.  Also encourage your child to do a thorough check at home and in the classroom if they receive an overdue notice.

If you notice that a book is damaged please do not attempt to repair it yourself. We have the equipment to repair books and understand that damage can occur to our much-loved books. 

Also, please note that if your child had an overdue book at the end of last year and they have not yet returned it this year, it will still be out in their name – it does not magically disappear over the holidays.  We still have 16 books out in students’ names from last year.

Happy reading.

Jess and Sue in the Library


Sick Bay

If you haven't already, please return any medical forms and medication to the office.


Please note there has been a case of Chicken Pox in the school.  If you have any corners, please consult your health practitioner.


From Sophie & Nicole