Teaching and Learning
End of Year Exams
In the coming weeks, a significant number of students across the College will be commencing exams. The written VCE Unit 3/4 exams commence on Tuesday 29 October, with Years 9, 10 and 11 commencing in the weeks following. Most of the exams will be held in the Sports Centre at our Mentone Campus.
Details of the Exams for Years 9 to 11 will be distributed through email communications to parents/carers and students. Please pay particular attention to these communications as there are some days when exams will be running alongside classes for students, particularly in Year 11.
The key dates are below. Individual Timetables for students may vary, particularly in Year 11 and in cases where students are undertaking acceleration in VCE subjects.
Please be sure to discuss with your son/charge what his timetable looks like and how he might best manage the exam period.
VCE Unit 3/4 (Year 12) Written Exams
Tuesday 29 October 29 to Wednesday 30 November
Year 11 VCE Exams
- Wednesday 6 November and Thursday 7 November - first Mathematics Exams, classes run as normal.
- Friday 8 November to Wednesday 20 November - Exams, no classes running.
Year 10 Exams
- Elective Subject Exams - Monday 11 November and Tuesday 12 November (Year 10 classes still running)
- Core Subject Exams - Thursday 14 November to Tuesday 19 November (No classes running)
Year 9 Exams
- Thursday 14 November to Tuesday 19 November (Classes run as normal around exams)
Flying Start and Classes for 2025
A significant amount of work was undertaken in Term 3 to prepare the timetable and allocate classes for 2025. In my absence last term, I am grateful for the support provided to students and parents/carers in order to assist them in making the choices that best suit each individual.
Later this term, students will receive confirmation of the classes they have been allocated to for 2025. The intention for Flying Start - commencing 25 November - is that it replicates 2025 as closely as possible so that the start to next year is a smooth one.
Our priority is to ensure that students are in the classes they have selected and that 2025 starts with certainty. There is scope to change subjects in some areas, however as classes are already assigned, it isn’t always possible. The process to make changes will be communicated to students directly.
Should you have any questions or concerns in relation to the classes, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Teaching and Learning Department at the College.
Brenden Mair
Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning