Foundation News…

In Maths, the Foundation students complete a Number Talk each week. Over the last 2 weeks, we have challenged the children with fluency of numbers which is where children come up with the most efficient way to solve problems. Here are some examples of our Number Talks this fortnight the students have engaged with. We had so much fun with them and have learnt that sometimes, even if we're super star mathematicians, dice might seal our fate, and this is out of our control. In addition to this, when we work in partners, we're continuing to build our skills in being able to take turns, and be humble winners and gracious losers in games.
R U OK? Day
This week, as a school, we recognised 'R U Okay? Day. R U Okay Day is an initiative where we check in on our friends, families and colleagues as a way to build social connectedness and positive help seeking. As a Foundation cohort, we learnt a little more about what this looks like for us, and linked it in with being a Bucket Filler. We spent the morning discussing ways we can be positive and made connections with our feelings when we're showing kindness and empathy toward others. We then decided to fill up our peers buckets with little messages of kindness. Our hearts felt happy after this activity.