1/2 News…

In mathematics, the 1/2's have started learning about fractions, and how we see them in our real world.
We have been learning a lot about fractions. Did you know that the division symbol is just a fraction without the numbers on top or below? Crazy!
We have learnt that the denominator (that's the number below the line) tells us how many parts to the whole there are, and the numerator (the number above the line) tells us how many parts we are counting!
We began by looking at something we are very familiar with; our names! Using our newfound fractions knowledge, we can divide our names into parts and represent them as fractions!
We then moved on to something a bit tastier...SKITTLES! Skittles are a great way to show how we can divide a collection into parts, then represent our findings as fractions.
First, we counted all our skittles, then grouped them into colours. With our whole as our denominator and our coloured groups as our numerator, we can show how something so sweet can help us with our maths. Terrific!
Let us know how you use fractions in your everyday life!