Sport News

It's been a big year of carnivals and sports this year and it has finally wrapped up for 2024.
I would like to take a moment to extend my sincere gratitude to all the staff members who actively contributed to our sports programs and carnivals this year. Your involvement, whether attending key events, organizing training sessions, coaching, selecting teams, supervising sporting activities and needed staff asap, or leading our students in competitions at the division and regional levels—has been invaluable.
Your dedication and commitment of our students' ability to participate in interschool sports, and I cannot thank you enough for your efforts in making these experiences possible. Your commitment and teamwork have been truly remarkable, and I look forward to having you all on board for the 2025 season!
A special mention to Reuben for all of his hard work and effort as the sport assistant in helping me with analysing scores, planning and supporting me with sports and other big events. His help has been much appreciated.
The BIG shout out goes to the Physical Education department team. Your unwavering support, even on your days off, during our major carnivals and sporting events has not gone unnoticed. Whether you are on the front lines or behind the scenes, your contributions make a significant difference, especially when things get hectic. You are true superstars, and I am immensely grateful for your help and dedication. Couldn’t have done it without you all!
A few quick highlights from sport this year were:
We saw 6 Intersport’s teams compete at regionals, last year we only had three teams go out for inter sport. These teams included:
- 2x year 7 teams (boy/girls) FRA & CHX
- 2x year 7 netball teams SHN
- 1x intermediate girls’ basketball team SHA
- 1x intermediate boys’ hockey teams SHD
For carnivals we had:
- Division Swimming - 18 students & for Regionals we had 4 students competing
- Division Cross Country 128 students – Regionals 22 competing
- Division Aths- 95 students- Regionals 9 competing
It’s been a massive year with participation levels continuing to increase in both division & regional levels in sports and carnivals. Thank you again for your unwavering support and being part of keeping our students active and showcasing their skillsets in sports & carnivals.
Stay tuned for recommencing in FEB 2025.
Kind regards,
Jane Engellenner
Lyndale Sports Coordinator- HPE Teacher