Prep - Grade 2

Fairytale Fiasco Incursion
The Preps had the most WONDERFUL time at the Fairytale Fiasco incursion! They used their imaginations to travel to fairytale land (via the magical tunnel) but there was a problem ... everything was backwards! Wolves snorted, cats squeaked and mice meowed! Disaster! Each animal had to contribute to a magic cauldron to create a spell to put fairytale land back to normal! There were smiles, laughs and gasps all around as the students were captivated by the story. Afterwards, there were comments like:
"Best day ever!"
"I want to do this again!"
"Can we do this in grade one?!"
"I want to do this every day!"
The photos below capture the joy and excitement of the session!
Prep A
Prep B
Prep C
We have had a wonderful end to Term 3 in our classrooms. We loved celebrating Footy day in all of our team colours! Thank you to the Grade 6 students and teachers for running such a fun day!
Behind the scenes and also back at school, the Grade One and Two teachers and students have been busy at work designing and creating a very special outdoor wall installation piece. One of our Grade One Dads, Mark (from WM Building Group) with the assistance of Mrs Beever, carefully cut out the wooden letters and prepared them for the students to decorate. Every class has been carefully working on their individual design and ensuring that the message of 'Respect' is shared enthusiastically with our community. We are all looking forward to installing this early next term and we hope you get a chance to come and see it soon.