7 - 10

JUNA - Snake I MUNDJEE - Murray Cod I BOGGI - Blue Tongue Lizard
During term 3 we have focussed on learning more about ‘Social Media’ and the impacts it has on our lives. The eSafety commissioner website has some amazing information on it and we explored this in the first 6 weeks. This is the link that you might also like to have a look at as it has many tips on how to keep yourself and your child safe when using the internet. https://www.esafety.gov.au/
The students then chose a topic that they were interested in exploring and for the last four weeks, they have been researching and writing an information report on their chosen topic.
They are presenting this on ‘Keynote’ adding not just written information but also relevant images and video clips.
We continued to begin each Literacy session with DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) which the students are enjoying. As well as giving them time to settle, they are also reading some of the new books we purchased for our library, which we began this year, as well as some they are sourcing online.
This term we began a targeted spelling program. We assess the students’ spelling ability at the beginning and end of every year. We used this information to place the students into spelling groups. We explicitly teach them spelling strategies and are following a levelled program to provide consistency in their learning.
Once a week, Lori has been working with the students to improve their skills and knowledge when using iMovie. This will offer them another way to present their work during term 4.
This term in Numeracy, our students explored the exciting topics of measurement and geometry. They engaged in collaborative activities centred around the Olympics and Paralympics, where they had the chance to apply their math skills in real-world contexts. Throughout these activities, students demonstrated their abilities in prediction, estimation, analyzing data, problem-solving, and critical thinking. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to strengthen their understanding of key mathematical concepts while working together as a team!