Catholic Identity

Prayer - Borinya’s expected behavior theme for this term is inclusion.
The following prayer was used at our gathering that focussed on “how do I include others and how am I included” and was adapted by some of the students.
May all at Borinya continue to be blessed with the power and spirit of inclusion.
We give thanks for the opportunity to be ourselves.
We give thanks for the chance to walk in others' shoes.
We give thanks for the ability to allow others to be themselves.
We give thanks for the opportunity to encourage others and to be encouraged.
We give thanks for being able to make the offer to others.
We give thanks for the chance to express how much we value effort.
We give thanks for the understanding that we should allow others to be themselves.
We give thanks for the opportunity, and ability, to make the offer of inclusion.
May we welcome the challenges of life, with a smile, and use them as opportunities to learn and grow.
We pray this as a community inspired by the Catholic Story.