
Communicating with the Foundation Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Amy Ryde
Welcome to Term 4! We cannot believe how fast the year is going! The students are going to enjoy a fun filled last term of Foundation!
During our English lessons this Term, the students will be working hard in all areas of their learning. As we work our way through our last term of the Foundation InitiaLit Program, the students will be consolidating their knowledge learned in class by completing a variety of English activities. It is amazing to see how well everyone is reading and writing - we are very proud of everyone’s achievements!
We have been focusing on using our sound-letter knowledge to segment individual sounds and digraphs in four letter words so that we can decode them to read and write. We have been making attempts to read and spell digraphs such as; wh, th, sh, oo, ng, and ay. We have also been working hard at remembering our tricky words and have been making attempts to spell them.
In writing, the Foundation students have been continuing to practise their handwriting skills by making sure they use the correct formation and starting points for their letters. We have continued to focus on punctuation and using full stops, capital letters and leaving spaces between our words when writing sentences. At the beginning of the term we wrote a recount of the holidays!
We have been learning about the structure and purpose of Narrative stories. They have learnt that picture story books have characters, a setting or settings, a problem and a solution. Over the next few weeks, the students will become authors and illustrators by creating their own Picture Story Book!
In Maths so far, the students have used their directional language such as left, right, in between, next to, under and through. The foundation students have learned how to collect and organise data, interpret this data and create a picture graph using their collected data. They thoroughly enjoyed creating their own graph using their own packet of coloured skittles and investigated which colour was the most common in their packet.
Over the coming weeks, students will be expanding their ability and knowledge when completing addition and subtraction problems. They will play addition and subtraction games and complete a variety of engaging activities to consolidate their knowledge. The Foundation students will practice writing and modelling subtraction stories and write matching equations using mathematical symbols and numbers.
The students will also be revisiting the concept of place value and that two digit numbers can be partitioned into tens and ones.
On Monday we had our Grandparents and Special Persons Afternoon. It was lovely to see everybody having afternoon tea in the yard and then completing activities together! We would like to say a big thank you to the Parents Association for organising the lovely bake sale that raised money for the CFA!
Throughout the year the Foundation students have thoroughly enjoyed their buddy sessions each week. They love working together to complete tasks organised by their buddies!
Our Term 4 Specialist timetable has changed!
When students are participating in Health and Physical Education (HPE) and Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) it would be best if they were wearing sneakers or shoes that they can move around in. Please note that this timetable can change! We will keep you updated if this occurs.
FA | FB | FC |
Monday: Physical Education and Auslan | Monday: Physical Education and Auslan | Monday: Physical Education and Auslan |
Tuesday: Library | Tuesday: Library | Tuesday: Library |
Wednesday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), Visual Arts (VA) and Performing Arts | Thursday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), Visual Arts (VA) and Performing Arts | Thursday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), Visual Arts (VA) and Performing Arts |
Friday: Buddies | Friday: Buddies | Friday: Buddies |
We are looking forward to an exciting first term of learning! If you have any questions please contact us via email or in person.