School Council News 

A focus upon driving continuous school improvement 

The membership of our 2024 School Council is listed below: 


Parent/Carer Membership: 


Hazel Tindal (2023-2025) - Treasurer

Robert Shepherd (2023-2025) - President

Jessica Mortimer (2023-2025)


Eric Burgess (2024-2026)

Damien Capocchi (2024-2026)

Jessica Arnall (2024-2026)

Cameron Glover (2024-2026) - Vice President


Staff Membership: 


Llewela Humphries (2023-2025) - Secretary 

Krista Carpenter (2024-2026)

Stacey Bowles (2024-2026)

Damien Kitch (ongoing) - Executive Officer


Annual Report 2023


Our 2023 Annual Report to the School Community has now been approved by DE Quality Assurance Division. Please click on the link below to view this report: