Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Krista Carpenter (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
English/Maths/Reminders/5-6 Timetables
English Overview
Reading: in Reading we started the term revising different comprehension strategies such as predicting, summarising, inferring and finding the main idea.
All classes have now begun our term novel 'Tom's Midnight Garden' by Phillipa Pearce. Students have really engaged in the text and have enjoyed the different style of writing. In classes we have begun to analyse different language and vocabulary that is used in this text.
When Tom is sent to stay at his aunt and uncle's house for the summer, he resigns himself to endless weeks of boredom. Lying awake at night, he hears the old grandfather clock downstairs strike . . . eleven . . . twelve . . . thirteen . . . Thirteen! How strange! When Tom gets up to investigate, he discovers a magical garden. A garden that everyone told him doesn't exist. A garden that only he can enter . . .
In this enchanted thirteenth hour, the garden comes alive-but Tom is never sure whether the children he meets there are real or ghosts . . .
Writing: in Writing, we begun the term learning about newspaper articles. In classes we learnt about the features of newspapers, read examples, watch some news reports and researched current world events.
Students then researched a current news story, drafted, edited then published their own newspaper article. All students did a wonderful job writing and publishing their newspaper articles.
In the past two weeks students have moved onto their term writing project with the Year 5 students writing a different style of writing each week e.g. narrative, recount, persuasive, biography and Year 6 students recounting their primary school years and making their scrapbooks.
Maths Overview
Number and Algebra: This term in Number and Algebra we will be revising all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and strategies to solve different equations. We have learnt about rounding whole and decimal numbers and how to estimate different weight, amounts of items and times. Later this term we will be reviewing worded problems as well learning how to find unknow values of equations.
Measurement and Geometry: In Measurement and Geometry this term we will be learning about elapsed time and how to read train, bus and school timetables. Students will also be learning about mass and capacity and how to choose appropriate metric units when measuring the length, mass and capacity of objects.
Statistics and Probability: In Statistics and Probability students will be learning about mean, median and mode and how to find the mean, median and mode of given data sets. We will also be reviewing different data sets and how to compare data and analyse it.
- Big Day Out
- The Year 5/6 Big Day Out event is being held on Monday 9th December. We will be doing activities at school prior to departing for Zone Bowling at Forest Hill at 11am. The event is now live on Compass with all relevant information. Payment and consent for Big Day Out is due by Wednesday 4th December 2024.
- Year 6 Graduation
- Graduation for our Year 6 students will be held on Thursday 12th December 2024. This year graduation will be held at Marybrooke Manor (10 Sherbrooke Rd, Sherbrooke) beginning at 5pm (arrival time). Graduation event is now live on Compass with all relevant information. Payment and consent for graduation is due by Monday 2nd December 2024.
- Year 6 Scrapbooking
- Year 6 students have begun their scrapbooking projects and they are already looking amazing! A reminder that students are asked to bring any scrapbooking resources e.g. stickers, paint textas, stamps, decorations, photos of previous years etc. to put into their scrapbooks.
Specialist Timetable
Please note the following information regarding the days that each grade has specialist classes. * These times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg: swimming timetables) *
5/6A | 5/6B | 5/6C |
SCIENCE: Monday 11:50 - 12:10 | SCIENCE: Monday 11 - 11:50 | PERFORMING ARTS: Thursday 1:20 - 2:10 |
VISUAL ARTS: Thursday 1:20 - 2:10 | AUSLAN: Tuesday 8:50 - 9:40 | VISUAL ARTS: Thursday 11 - 11:50 |
AUSLAN: Tuesday 9.40 - 10:30 | PERFORMING ARTS: Thursday 11 - 11:50 | AUSLAN: Wednesday 9:40 - 10:30 |
PERFORMING ARTS: Wednesday 11:50 - 12:40 | VISUAL ARTS: Thursday 11:50 - 12:40 | P.E: Thursday 11.50 - 12:40 |
P.E: Thursday 11:00 - 11:50 | P.E: Thursday 1:20 - 2:10 | SCIENCE: Monday 1.20 - 2.10 |