Year Two

Communicating with the Year Two Team:
Rebecca Crawford (Class 2A)
Zoe Bates (Class 2B)
Term Four looks a little bit different for Year Two students as they are now nearing the completion of the InitiaLit 2 Program. To date, they have been revising all spelling strategies taught in class this year, learning about direct speech and how it can improve our writing. Incomprehension lessons, there was a focus on monitoring reading. This means we learnt to stop and check what was read and demonstrate that we understood the content. Strategies to determine the meaning of new language has been taught and applied during these sessions.
For the remainder of the term, students will begin to focus on their fluency when reading aloud through their participation in upcoming Readers’ Theatre activities. These will be presented to a small audience. In Writing, students have spent the first two weeks of term developing their own characters and setting. They focused on detailing their characters external and internal traits, along with describing their setting based not only on what it looked like, but how it may sound, smell or feelings that characters may face. Students then analysed the structure of a well written narrative by planning their narrative on a plot mountain that was used to scaffold them when recording their narrative. They are currently working through the editing and conferencing process and aim to produce a presented copy of their work.
This Term began with a two week focus on fractions. Students learnt what each number in a fraction represents. The top number represents the numerator, (the parts used in a whole amount) and the bottom number represents the denominator (the amount of equal parts all together). They then looked at how fraction parts must be equal in size and determined links between real life examples of where they would be likely to use fractions or see them. Students particularly focused on two equal parts and how this represents a half, but when placed together, two halves make whole. Other fraction units such as thirds, quarters and eights were used to determine fractions of not only parts, but also organised in equal group using collections of objects. For example: If we have a barrel with 60 apples in it, how many apples would make two quarters?
Students then investigated language relating to the topic of Mass which included heavier, lighter, weighs more/ less, heaviest, and lightest. They used balance scales to determine the weight of classroom objects using informal units of measurement such as unifix cubes. A discussion was held to determine real life examples when they would be likely to encounter mass and made links between these and instruments used to accurately measure weight or mass.
Grandparent's Afternoon:
Thank you to all the wonderful Grandparent’s who attended our open afternoon on Monday October 28th. It was lovely to see and meet so many special people in our students’ lives.
Year Two Specialist Timetable:
Year Two students in both 2A and 2B will visit the Library on Thursdays pending whole school events this term.
Take Home Readers
Don't forget to read at home! Students in Year Two have the advantage of choosing the texts the read, however there are a selection of books available at school should you child wish to borrow one for the week.