Deutsche Ecke

R-5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 

Mein Kuscheltier - my soft toy

This term, Mellor students have been learning how to introduce, name and describe.  To do this we have introduced vocabulary focussing on soft toys including teddy bears.


New vocabulary included building on knowledge of animals and extended to adjectives which describe size, colour, texture, pattern, age and more. 


Repetition and oral language plays a big part in building confidence to recall and use language introduced.  Students have been listening, speaking, reading and writing to establish confidence and fluency as well as develop translation skills. 


Encouraging students to support each other to speak in German and knowing that mistakes are a part of learning is very important in this oral language process. We know that the more we listen to the target language and each other using it, the more confident we feel when it is our turn to speak.


Students developed sentence writing skills using a sentence builder to follow the correct word order and sentence structure for accurate German.


Sentence starters to introduce:

Das ist  (This is)

Ich mag (I like)

Ich liebe (I love)


Sentence starters to give a name:

Er heißt…. (He is called…)Sie heißt…. (She is called….)


Then we developed longer sentences by adding adjectives  to describe.


Ask your child to tell you what these sentences mean.

Der Teddybär ist  süß.

Die Puppe ist neu.

Das Kuscheltier ist  alt.

Das ist mein Teddybär.

Sie heißt Lucy.

Lucy ist blau, fleckig und gestreift.


Ich mag mein Kuscheltier.

Er heißt Kevin.

Kevin ist grau, weich und klein.


Students  have celebrated this learning with a very successful sharing of some of their favourite toys, bringing them to school and introducing them to the class in German.  We were very impressed with the confidence with which students were able to do this!


Please ask your children about their learning in German – see if they can describe a soft toy for you auf Deutsch.



Frau Edwards und Frau Kroemer

Mellor German teachers