ENPS Zero-Tolerance to Bullying

As a school community, we understand that what might seem like harmless teasing or joking to one person can sometimes be hurtful to another. The attached "I’m Not a Bully" advice sheet highlights the importance of understanding how our actions affect others, both online and in person. While teasing or joking can be fun with close friends, it can quickly become harmful when it involves others. It’s important to consider how our words and actions impact those around us, ensuring that humour is never used at someone else’s expense.


At Essendon North Primary School, we have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and utilise a whole-school approach to address any issues. Our Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy, Essential Agreements, and Bullying Prevention Policy are regularly updated to ensure a safe, respectful, and supportive school community. Following the policies and guidelines of the Victorian Department of Education and Training, we foster respectful relationships throughout all stages of our students' development.


We hope the information provided supports meaningful conversations at home as we work together to create a school where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected.