
Wishing our students, staff, families and school community a safe and relaxing holiday break.
This week’s SchoolTV topic fits well with many of our children that may engage in Online Gaming during their holiday break. Young people might have a lot of fun playing online games, but parents and carers need to make sure they empower their child to make wise decisions and help them manage the risks.
“Young people can be particularly vulnerable when exposed to excessive gaming. An unhealthy sedentary lifestyle, exposure to harmful content, cyberbullying, development of gaming disorders, or engagement in online gambling.” Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
This week’s SchoolTV topic is Online Gaming
Please click the TV image below
WEEK 10 - Online Gaming
WEEK 9 - R U OK?Day
WEEK 8 - Diet & Nutrition
WEEK 7 - Respectful Language
WEEK 6 - Social Media Influencers
WEEK 5 -
Cyberbullying &
Cyberbullying Special Report
WEEK 4 - Social Media & Digital Reputation
WEEK 3 - Body Image
WEEK 2 - Grief & Loss
WEEK 1 -
13 11 44
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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader