Principal's Message
To Strive, To Seek, To Care with HEART
Principal's Message
To Strive, To Seek, To Care with HEART
Dear Parents and Friends,
The theme for the assembly was “We are Round Square.”
Last week the entire school was taken on an Adventure Race during our assembly. The contestants raced through the six IDEALS – Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service demonstrating how each of these pillars is embedded in our College culture. I particularly enjoyed hearing from our students who went on exchange, both nationally and internationally and from some of the four international students we currently have on campus.
Another highlight which focused on the Sustainability Learning Centre, headed by James Tudor, demonstrated the importance of recycling and how simple it is to do on our campus. Organised by Alex Pollitt, the Senior Round Square committee and assisted by the Junior Leadership team, the assembly highlighted the huge engagement in our IDEALS that all students from St Philip’s benefit from throughout their journey at the College.
The Year 12s proved their excellent organisational skills on Valentine’s Day. They sold flowers, chocolates, messages and songs to the school community and spent the morning delivering these tokens of kindness and affection. Their humour, enthusiasm and musical talents were enjoyed by a variety of students and classes.
The Outdoor Education Information sessions have been well attended, and credit goes to Emma Shearer for organising and running these sessions even during power failures. All adventurers know to expect the unexpected and the Year 9 Endeavour night was certainly an example of making do when required.
Thanks to Deb Page, Sam Greathead and Lyndal Connell, for their perseverance in arranging the Year 7 vaccinations. They were informed the afternoon before, that CDC hadn’t ordered enough vaccines, but Deb worked with Rebecca Curr from the CDC to source enough vaccines for all students. The new system worked well giving us a very high participation rate in the program.
Year 7 &10 students participated in a Road Safety program this week and I encourage families to discuss with their young person what they learned during the presentation.
Next Friday is the Performing Arts Festival which is a much-anticipated event on the school calendar. Students are already organizing their singing, dancing, instrumental and dramatic skills for the big day. There is always some hidden talent that is uncovered on the day.
Finally, in this unrelenting hot weather we are currently enduring, can everyone please remind their young person/s about the importance of wearing a hat. All staff would greatly appreciate your support in this matter.
Kind regards,