TERM 1, Week 6
TERM 1, Week 6
We are over halfway through term one! What a fabulous term it has been so far. The children are doing a wonderful job at completing their morning jobs and growing so much in their confidence and independence. We are very proud of them. If your child forgets a job, there is always a little person or an adult available to help them.
This week in Religion we have been learning about Lent and the traditions we celebrate in the Catholic Church. Our prayer cloths changed to the colour purple. Purple is the colour for Lent. We have discussed with the children that Lent is the time leading up to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and goes for forty days, which is the time Jesus spent in the desert praying to God. On Tuesday it was Shrove Tuesday, ‘Pancake Day,’ and the children were very excited to eat some pancakes at recess. As a class we wrote some Lenten promises to help us remember Jesus and talk about how we can show our love to others and be the best people we can be. The children loved sharing ways they can help at home by making their beds and doing the dishes!
This Term our Investigation focus has been on Community. You may have noticed the Police Station, Fire Station, Hospital, Cafe and Library for our dramatic play areas. These are just some of the community places we have been learning about. We are looking for some parents who would be interested in coming during the last week of term, to talk with the Preps about their role/job in the community. We are hoping to hear from a variety of occupations to bring awareness to students that all roles in our community are important. If you are interested, please message on SeeSaw your occupation and the times and days you would be available in Week 10.
Thank you,
Ebonie, Tina and Simone