Calendar of Events

Mon 10th - Labour Day Public Holiday NO STUDENTS AT SCHOOL
Fri 14th - Assembly 5/6 Mr Cross
Fri 21st - Harmony Day
Wed 26th - Wheelie Wednesday
Fri 28th - Whole School Athletics Day
Thurs 3rd - Ways of the Cross
Fri 4th - Assembly 1/2 Miss Burke
Fri 4th - Last Day of Term 1 / school finishes at 2.25pm
Mon 21st - Easter Monday Public Holiday
Tues 22nd - First Day back for Term 2
Tues 22nd to Thurs 24th - STOMP hip hop dance workshops ALL STUDENTS MAY WEAR THEIR RUNNERS EVERY DAY THIS WEEK
Fri 25th - Anzac Day Public Holiday
Fri 9th - Mothers Day Liturgy & BYO Lunch 12.30pm
Wed 14th - School Closure Day - No Students at School