Creative Media
With Mrs Wilson
Creative Media
With Mrs Wilson
This year we have introduced a new subject focus for our grade 3-6 students called Creative Media. In this class students will focus on developing skills using technology.
We know that our kids are very good at using devices in their own spare time, my three year old scares me sometimes with what he is able to navigate, but we need to make sure that our kids are staying safe online as well as being positive, productive digital citizens.
So far this year we have been focusing on being "Cybersmart". To do this the children have been working through three main modules that have been designed by the Australian Government eSafety Commissioner. The teacher-led activities use animated videos to introduce primary school students to key online safety issues.
Cybersmart Forever - looking at the risks involved in sharing digital images.
Learning Intentions:
* Identify safe sharing of content/images online
* Describe and use strategies to protect their content/images online
* Understand risks of friending strangers online
* Recognise when to seek help with online dilemmas
Cybersmart Detectives - exploring what could happen when someone reveals too much information online and it ends up in the wrong hands.
Learning Intentions:
* Identify what personal information is safe to put online
* Describe and use strategies in situations where they feel uncomfortable or
unsafe online
* Recognise that people they meet online may pretend to be someone else
* Seek assistance if things go wrong online
Cybersmart Hero - addresses the issue of cyberbullying and the power of those in the best position to disrupt cyberbullying—the bystander.
Learning Intentions:
* Identify what cyberbullying is
* Describe and use strategies in situations where they feel cyberbullied
* Recognise when to seek help in cyberbullying situations
* Be a positive bystander in a cyberbullying situation
More information can be found here:
The children have been very receptive to this content and have had some amazing stories to share with their own experiences.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Wilson during school hours or at