Bell Times 2025

Drop off / Pick up zones

Uniform - printed with surname

CSEF Applications for 2025

Booklists, stationery and Parent Payment information

Reporting your child's absence

Have you changed your details?

Uniform - printed with surname

School hoodies are able to be printed with surname only on the back.  This will incur an extra $10 fee.  (Correct at time of posting).  Uniform is available from our preferred supplier: Laser Signs and Print or order online

School Drop Off and Pick Up Zones

All students are to be dropped off and picked up at the front of the school.  There is no entry past the car park unless a parent/guardian is picking up a child who is ill or injured.  The school bus shelter is for buses only and is not to be used by parents as a drop off/pick up point.  Your co-operation with this would be apprecia

Bell Times 2025


CSEF Applications for 2025

Reminder to families that if you are eligible for CSEF (Camps, Sport, Excursions Fund) you need to complete a form (available from the school office) as soon as possible.    The payment amount is $250 per year for secondary school students.  The CSEF is paid directly to the school and will be allocated by the school towards camps, sports and/or excursion costs for your child.


To be eligible for the fund, a mature minor of sixteen years of age or over, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a registered Government or non-government Victorian primary or secondary school must:


On the first day of Term one, or on the first day of Term two:

  • be an eligible beneficiary within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004, that is, be the holder of Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) holder, OR
  • be a temporary foster parent, and;
  • Submit an application to the school by the due date.

The CSEF program for 2025 closes at the end of term two 2025.


Reporting your child's absence via text

If you child is going to be absence from school, you can now report via text message on:  0438 241 522.

Please include the following information in your text message:

  • your child's full name
  • reason for absence
  • the days your child will be absent

Reporting Absences through Compass

Please note that - in order to comply with government guidelines, the options when reporting absences via Compass have changed.  There are now only 6 options for parents to report an absence:

  • medical/illness - this includes dental or any form of medical  appointment - this is an approved absence
  • bereavement - this is an approved absence
  • truancy - this is not an approved absence and will be further investigated
  • parent choice - this is not an approve absence and will be further investigated
  • family holiday - this is an approved absence
  • religious/cultural observance - this is an approved absence

Note that "Parent Choice" is not in the eyes of the Education Department a valid reason for a student not to be at school.  Regular ongoing attendance is vital for the continuity of a successful education.  Unapproved absences will be followed up by the school, as per DET guidelines.


For any assistance with using Compass, logging in, or using any of the many features, please contact the school and we will happily help.