Mr. Justin Matt (Principal)

Mr. Brad Vallance (Assistant Principal)

Mr. Josh Willersdorf (Assistant Principal)

Ms. Kym Woolley (Assistant Principal)

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, 


Our Investiture Ceremony last week was a great celebration of our 2025 student leaders. Investiture has been running for 62 years and there have been over 3000 names written into the official book. It was fantastic to have parents and friends come in to watch students receive their badges and sign their names in the book as a student leader. Our School Captains, Jamaine and Raya, made excellent speeches during Investiture and also spoke to the Grade 6 leaders at Red Cliffs East Primary about strong leadership. We would once again like to congratulate all of our student leaders for 2025 and look forward to their insights and planned activities throughout the year. 


There has been a lot happening over the last two weeks, we had students compete in interschool swimming at Mildura Waves, with some excellent results, senior students participated in a session run by the Pat Cronin Foundation, the Year 12 students sat online Elevate sessions to support their studies and we also had a senior school volleyball team compete in an event just yesterday. Our school leaders also travelled to the Wentworth City Council to participate in a leadership program, which included working with leaders for other schools around the area and also had an opportunity to meet the Mayor.


All Year 7 and 9 students participated in a practice NAPLAN test this week in preparation for official testing next week. Students showed great determination, logging into the portal and then completing questions based on the four assessment areas they will be tested on.


A friendly reminder that next Monday the 10th of March is a Public Holiday, so no one will be on-site. Progress Reports will be published at the end of week 8, with Parent/Teacher Interviews being held the following week, Wednesday the 26th of March. Just a reminder that there will be no classes run on this day as it is dedicated to interviews, allowing more times for parents to be able to book in with staff. Bookings will be open next Tuesday the 11th March, 2025 on Compass, so please log in and book your interviews for your child(ren) then. Further information on bookings will be sent out on that day via Compass.

We hope everyone has a great long weekend and look forward to seeing everyone back on-site next Tuesday.  


 Mr. Justin Matt, Principal, 

Mr. Brad Vallance, Assistant Principal 

Mr. Josh Willersdorf, Assistant Principal