Adventurous, Compassionate, Purposeful, Relational
We acknowledge the Arrernte people, the traditional custodians on whose land we educate our students.
Adventurous, Compassionate, Purposeful, Relational
We acknowledge the Arrernte people, the traditional custodians on whose land we educate our students.
This week our Year 3s & 5s sat the majority of their NAPLAN tests. It is important to remember that the tests are a snapshot of one day in a child's learning.
We are confident that our ongoing data collection and analysis gives us a clear picture of children's learning needs, and we use this information constantly to plan for each child's next learning leap.
In assembly today we talked about some of Living Waters' non-negotiables:
Hands Off
At no time is it acceptable to use your hands and feet on anyone at school. If you do, you will have an automatic time out. If you continue repeatedly, there will be a conference with your parents.
Pick Up & Drop Off
Pick up and drop off is only at the carpark and kiss and go. Please, NO drop off or pick up in Kramer Street. It’s not safe during the busy mornings and afternoons. We also have lots of complaints from the neighbours when Kramer Street is congested.
If the kiss and go bay is full, you must go around the roundabout and do a lap. DO NOT block the roundabout.
After school, wait for the teacher to open the blue gate, and if other adults leave with their children do not follow.
Taking Care of the Environment
Put your rubbish in the bin and recyclables in the appropriate container.
If you spill food on the tables, ask your teacher for a wipe and clean it up.
Take care of our spaces and furniture. I’m sad to see so much damage like pencils pushed into fabric to make holes. If you are damaging school property, your family will be billed.
Students must wear black shoes and white socks.
Only wear school or neutral coloured hair accessories.
Please make sure you put your name on your hat (and jackets in the cooler months). Also, check you do not have somebody else's hat.
Mobile Phones
Phones must be placed in the box at Reception each morning and collected in the afternoon. Students are not allowed mobile phones at school.
Jesus says in Matthew 6:21, ‘where your treasure is there your heart will be also.’
Where is your treasure? Do you keep it in a bank? Maybe it is in super, stocks or real estate. Perhaps your treasure is in other investments or term deposits. Maybe you keep your valuables in a locked safe or underneath your mattress.
Jesus isn’t just talking about money either. He is talking about anything we value. Are there other things you treasure? Maybe it is family or friends or work or recreation. Maybe you value one special person or pet or part of your weekly routine. Some people treasure their morning coffee so much they find it hard to imagine a day without it!
This week is the beginning of Lent, the forty days of preparation before Easter. For Christians it is a time to take stock of their lives and consider their priorities. Do my values match up with my activities? Is my focus in the right place? Are there things I should treasure more and others I should treasure less? Where does God, prayer, Bible reading, and giving to others fit in?
At Living Waters, we treasure each one of our students, with their different gifts, backgrounds and abilities. We believe they are uniquely created and loved by God, and we cherish the opportunity to be part of their education. The Bible reminds us that we are all people treasured by God, people he sent his Son for, and he is the greatest treasure of all.
Pastor Ben
At Living Waters we highlight different families to pray for each week. Praying for people in our community by name shows that we care for them as God does. He knows and loves each of us individually, and when we lift others up in prayer, we recognise their value in His eyes. This strengthens our community by bringing us closer together, reminding us to support and encourage one another.
Week 5
Bathern, Berry, Bettineschi, Bhullar, Boby
Week 6
Braun-Butters, Brooks, Brown, Bureau, Chen
8-7-55 to 18-2-25
It is with great sadness the family would like to announce the passing of Ray in Clare SA after a long battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife Carolyn, sons Scott and Troy and adored grandchildren Maddy, Harry, Austin, Charlie, Ruby and Alby.
Ray first visited Alice in the late 70’s while courting Mum and then first moved there in 1982 as Woolworths manager Todd Street. After a short stint back in SA, he again returned in 1986 with Woolies, later resigning and opened Donut King in the then new Yeperenye SC. Later on he worked at Living Waters Primary School as Grounds/ Maintenance / Bus driver before returning to SA in 2004 to undertake a new family business venture with his sons.
As well as multiple businesses, Dad was also involved in a number of Alice Springs organisations such as Kiwanis club of AS, AS indoor cricket, AS Junior Soccer, AS Lutheran Church and others, especially if his boys were involved
Ray was remembered with a funeral service on the 7th of March 10.30am at St Paul’s Lutheran Church Clare.
Media Captains - Welcome Mr Harry Armstrong
Check out some of the work our new school Media Captains have been working on. Here are the captains welcoming and getting to know Mr Harry Armstrong our PE and Music teacher who we are honoured to have here at Living Waters. Great work captains!
Eco Captains
We are having a Clean Up Australia Day event on Monday 24th March, running from 1:40pm-2:00pm.
Classes will be assigned different areas of the school to clean up and will be provided with gloves and bags.
The Eco Crew will then sort the rubbish to get an understanding of what is missing the bins and what improvements can be made to our rubbish collection.
In the recent weeks our Year 3/4 students from 'The Nest' have researched animals with nests and here are some of their findings; it ranges from bird nests to burrows and more....
How exciting our Larrikin House Bookfair ‘Adventure Under the Sea’ has arrived. Last week our delighted students were able to view the books and fill in their wish lists of books that have caught their eye, and this week they were able to buy their books.
Each class provided decorations made during their library lessons. The Hive and the Village made jelly fish, the Nest made paper fish, and the Reef had to search for the weirdest fact about a sea creature using the non-fiction section of the library.
Student of the Week - Week 5
Congrats to Russell Munyoro, Ava Harman, Mia Edelman, Kenzo South, Shivank Arya, Shanaya Prasad, Theo Ewin, Charlotte Mader, Dany Chen & Meen Thon.
Student of the Week - Week 6
Congrats to Lachlan Marks, Asha Linsley, Himmat Singh, Tariro Gundani, Waylon Bathern, Aaron Aneesh, Alice Parker, Leonie Forrester, Alora Oliver & Georgia Whipple.
Student of the Week - Week 7
Congrats to Debarnee Roy, Arya Porambo, Daniel Puok, Ameera Rashid, Aryak Parthik, Gabriela Fenim, Moe Bettineschi, Ethal Aneesh, Elvis du Venage, Nyabana Makouc & Angus Goldsworthy.
Happy Birthday to the following students:
Jyden Murray, Carly Derr, Zeke Brown, Izabella Wuol & Regan Hunter.
We will be celebrating Harmony Day on Friday 21st March. Students can come to school in an orange shirt and uniform bottoms, cultural dress or full school uniform. This is not a casual dress day.
School Start and Finish Times (8.20 am – 2:50 pm)
As has been the case for many years, it is an expectation that children arrive at school by 8.15am at which time teachers collect and take children to class in readiness for roll marking.
It is vitally important that children arrive at school on time, please. Every minute of learning/classroom organisation is important for each learner. Your assistance in helping us by having your child at school by 8.20 am will be most graciously appreciated. To that end, school commences at 8.20 am sharp, each day. Should your child arrive at school late, then they should present for a late pass, at the office.
Uniform Standards
Parents are reminded of the need to ensure that the wearing of uniforms are in line with the school expectations.
Particularly, we would draw your attention to the following areas:
Students' hair is to be kept clean, neat and tidy, off the face; of natural appearance, not dyed, tinted or bleached. Hair below the shoulders needs to be tied up at all times.
Black shoes should be plain, conventional and well-maintained
Students may not wear any makeup at any time
Girls may wear plain gold or silver studs or sleepers only
Our students have a responsibility to uphold the ethos of the school, and to show pride in their school by wearing the uniform correctly – both at the school and when in the community. Your support in this regard is greatly appreciated.
School24 is the app that is used to making ordering food at Living Waters so much easier.
Simply download the app on your device (Android or iOS). Register and follow the prompts.
The required Living Waters school ID is 25137963.
You can make daily orders except for Thursdays, as our canteen is closed on that day. The canteen has now extended the daily ordering times, cut off for orders is now 8:20am get orders in before than.
Please note, Icy Treats are only available to order for the second break.
Could the parents at your school use an extra $500 for education costs? We know that cost of living pressures are continuing to put extra stress on households, with families in particular feeling the effects.
What is Saver Plus? Eligibility applies
Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about bolstering their financial skills, so they can develop (and keep) good savings habits.
Since 2003, Saver Plus has supported more than 62,000 people to start saving.
It’s helped overcome the barriers around education expenses. And it’s helped set them up for a brighter future.
What are the eligible savings goals?
Eligible savings goals are education related products or services that:
The season of Lent is the time of preparation before Easter. Each Wednesday night during Lent there will be services at other local churches. Our turn to host is March 19th. See the full program below. All services are at 7.00pm. All welcome.
19th March - Lutheran Church
26th March – Catholic Church (led by hospital chaplain Dan Cortez)
2nd April - Anglican Church, 18 Bath Street
9th April - Uniting Church, Todd Mall
The congregation's Facebook page is now up and running.
You can check it out by using the QR code or following this link
The purpose of this page is mainly to advertise our services
and events and share devotional content.
Please contact Pastor Ben or Liz for more information.
Living Waters Lutheran School
Corner Albrecht Drive & Kramer Street, Larapinta, 0870
P: 08 8950 0700 E:
Alice Springs Lutheran Church
49 Gap Road, P: 8953 2432
Sunday Service 9.30am
Follow Us on Facebook
Our Facebook page is regularly updated with information and photos from events at Living Waters. You can follow the page at to see what has been happening around the school.