Well with Alice

How to enjoy life more

Sometimes life is a breeze and you feel like you are on top of the world. Other times, life is a lot harder. Sometimes life just feels like something that is happening to you, whether you like it or not. Today, let's chat about how we can enjoy life more. 

Happiness is not something that happens to us, it is something we create. Of course circumstances influence our feelings, but we can employ the below strategies to not let circumstances stand in the way of our joy. Do note that the below strategies are not meant to be a cure for any kind of depression, they are simply part of a toolbox to increase our wellbeing.


-Live in alignment with your values and find purpose. These two are often related: if you find that helping people is one of your values, you will find purpose in volunteering. When we feel like we have purpose, we have a reason to get out of bed in the mornings!

-Accept that you won't always feel on top of the world and don't avoid difficult situations or emotions. Difficult situations can teach you valuable lessons and build character and resilience. Plus, when we don't put the pressure on ourselves to just feel happy all the time, we can enjoy the small glimmers in a dark situation.

-Practice gratitude daily

-Always have something to look forward to (but don't worry too much about the future - live in the now!)

-Employ healthy habits: sleep enough, exercise frequently, set boundaries where needed to protect your own wellbeing.

-Connect with people you love

-Spend time in nature

-Forgive and let go of what is not serving you

-Stop comparing

-Maintain a positive mindset, focusing on solutions rather than problems. It helps to surround yourself with other positive people as well. Again, this does not mean that you have to ignore problems, but that you use a 'growth mindset' to approach these.


I hope these ideas help you enjoy life more.


Kind regards,

Ms. Alice Romijn

School Chaplain