Monash Women's Business Network

By Freya H. & Scarlett C., Year 10
Today, the two of us had the pleasure of attending the Monash Women’s Business Network lunch with guest speaker Elly Desmarchelier, a proudly disabled woman who works to advocate for the rights of people with additional needs. She spoke in depth about the challenges people with physical and intellectual disability face in and out of the workplace, and the ways in which employers can change this. She placed particular emphasis on the value of disabled people as employees (slower turnover rate, loyalty, efficiency, enthusiasm, etc) and how studies have proven time and time again that these traits are actually more beneficial to an employer than those typically presented by people of diverse ability. Inclusion benefits everyone, and as a society we need to embrace it as a fundamental principle.
A point of Elly’s talk that particularly resonated with us was when she touched on the prejudice and segregation that is a disheartening staple of the education system. Only 34% of people with additional needs complete year twelve. Evidently, there is a lack of understanding amongst teachers and students alike on what inclusive education should look like, for people with both visible and invisible disabilities.
Elly’s entire talk was incredibly powerful and has changed our perceptions and widened our world views. We are so grateful we had this opportunity.