Around the Junior School

Kindergarten Literary Morning Tea
Our Kindergarten students have been eagerly learning about their changing world in our science lessons this term. They have been thinking about the food we grow in different seasons and the impact of weather on crops and food supply. Much of our learning about the environment has been through our class mascot, Nemo, from the picture book and movie "Finding Nemo" and supports the Junior School's focus on the Round Square ideal of sustainability. As part of our program, on Thursday 14 March Kindergarten invited a group of Year 11 students to join us for a Literary Morning Tea, where they shared a selection of books from our library around the theme of the environment, our changing world and sustainability. A plastic free morning tea was enjoyed by all students, tall and small. Thank you to the Library staff for your assistance with the resourcing of this experience.
House Muster
Year 6 students have been embracing their leadership opportunities this term and have spent time planning different activities for younger years in the Junior School. Last Friday they planned and led their first House Muster for the year. This involved deciding which age appropriate activities they could run, emailing Mr Campbell with their gear requirements and most importantly, working as a team.
Brown House got their 'boogie on' with some dancing plus an obstacle course. The music was appreciated by all in attendance and the brightly coloured pom poms were a hit with younger students. Gordon House organised some running relays and even a three legged race. Over in Douglas House students participated in relay races and played 'rob the nest'. Lastly in McLachlan House there was some kick tennis and bin ball to keep the students moving.
Each House finished the Muster with some marching practice, in preparation for the upcoming Athletics Carnival. Ms Sinclair beat the drum to help everyone march in time.
Year 6 will have plenty more opportunities to engage their teamwork and leadership skills as the year progresses and teachers are looking forward to their growth.
Merit Awards - Term 1 Week 6 2023
K Nemo
- Charles Pegum: A detailed and well-designed town map.
- Hannah Keir: Showing kindness to others and lending a helping hand quietly and unassumingly.
1 Eco-Octonauts
- Michael Chan: Clever compound words work.
- Vian Vohra: Terrific choral reading.
1 Minton
- Clementine Adams: Her attentive listening during initialit learning and for segmenting her sounds with care.
- Nicholas Church: His quick thinking in Maths and his understanding of the relationship between plus and minus.
2 Lorax
- Camilla Haynes: Working hard during daily Mathematics review to quickly recall answers to number questions.
- Elsie McLaurin: Excellent incorporation of pronouns in your sentence writing.
2 Yindyamarra
- William Pegum: His contagiously vibrant energy, making learning an adventure for everyone.
- Lachlan Bell: His precise application of knowledge in spelling investigations, shining a light on the way to success.
3 Uno
- Sofia Buckley: Her commitment to editing and reviewing writing tasks.
- Noah Stephen: His attention to detail in writing.
4 Kiernan
- Liam Hayward: For his exceptional ability and dedication in mastering addition and subtraction algorithm.
- Audie Watkins: Consistently displaying an excellent, responsible attitude to all her learning and for always being a helpful class member.
4 Goodall
- Eddie Chapman: His consistent effort and achievement in our addition and subtraction lessons this week. Especially, taking the initiative to challenge himself with larger numbers. Well Done, Eddie.
- Jack Coleman: For his positive approach to learning across all areas of the curriculum and taking pride in his work 100% of the time. Well Done, Jack.
5 Seed
- Stuart Bell: Your dedication, curiosity, and passion for acquiring knowledge.
- James Robson: His unwavering commitment to fair play and positive attitude has made you a true embodiment of good sportsmanship.
5 Bear Grylls
- Aria Patel: Incorporating lots of wonderful language features into her narrative and for always being organised, attentive and ready for learning.
- Lachlan Hunt: Taking courageous risks in his learning which has resulted in greater writing output and engagement in Maths lessons.
6 Rober
- Jack Caro: For his fantastic effort in English writing his sequel to Storm Boy.
- Oscar Flynn: For his tremendous contributions to class discussions and for his consideration of others in the classroom.
6 Dalziel
- Prayan Dulal: His excellent use of descriptive and figurative language in his sequel of Storm Boy. Can’t wait to read your first novel.
- Charlotte Gurr: Always being respectful and inclusive of her peers and consistently applying herself in all areas of school.