From the Head of the Senior School

Mr Trent Chapman 

Thanks to our NAPLAN Team 

I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Mrs Michelle Thompson, Academic Administrator, and her team of academic staff, as well as our IT support staff, for the smooth and successful online NAPLAN exams for Years 7 and 9 last week. NAPLAN exams are a huge undertaking and can be a stressful time for students. The committed support and troubleshooting provided by our dedicated staff over multiple days of testing is greatly appreciated. 

Inter House Athletics Carnival 

Tuesday 26 March


The annual Athletics Carnival is fast approaching. Next Tuesday, 26 March, the Main Oval will come alive with the energy and enthusiasm of our students as they compete in various track and field events. 


A reminder that the Athletics Carnival is a compulsory school day for all students. Roll marking will commence promptly at 8:45 am with Head Mentors. Roll marking will occur again at the end of the carnival. 


All students are encouraged to embrace the opportunity for active participation. This event is not just about competition; it's about camaraderie, teamwork, and personal achievement. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or trying an event for the first time, your involvement contributes to the vibrant spirit of our school community.  


I wish all houses the best of luck. It is fitting to acknowledge Blackman House, our reigning Athletics Champions, and we look forward to celebrating a day full of strong competition and positive house spirit. Don’t forget to wear your house shirt and have a go! 

Camps Week 8 – 11 April 

(Annual Cadet Camp commencing Sunday 7 April) 


As the end of Term 1 draws closer, a reminder to all students to ensure they are prepared for Camps Week. Students in all year groups will be actively engaged in a range of meaningful and challenging activities outside of the normal classroom environment. This plays a crucial role in the education of the whole student.  

Year Group Activity Activity coordinator 
Year 12 Study Camp Mrs Claudia McCalman  
Years 10 & 11 Work Experience Mr Bruce Paine  
Years 8 - 12 

Annual Cadet Camp 


Mr Simon Lun 
Years 8 – 9 Community Service Ms Robyn Youll  
Year 7 Year 7 Camp Ms Alex Dunkely  

Students and families are encouraged to reach out to our activity co-ordinators if you have questions or concerns leading up to Camps Week. 


Finally, I extend warm wishes to the entire School community for a joyful Easter break. Whether you're embarking on a journey or simply enjoying some well-deserved rest at home, I hope this time provides an opportunity for rest and quality time to connect with family and friends.