The Annual General Meeting for the P&C was held last night. We thank the outgoing committee for their wonderful work and commitment to our school community. The new office bearers for the 2024 school year were elected last night and are;


President - Sally Hegvold

Vice President - Unfilled

Vice President - Unfilled

Secretary - Sarah Carter

Treasurer - Alisha Muldoon


The next P&C Meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th May in the staff room commencing at 6.30pm. 


Please watch this space for information about the Mother's Day Stall and Breakfast that will be published in the next few weeks.


There will also be information early next term about other activities such as the Pie Drive and School Concert Raffle.


The clothing pool will open fortnightly on a Friday morning from 8:30-9:30am. The next open date will be Friday, 12th April.