Year 4 Spotlight

Democracy Incursion

Last Monday, Year 4s had an incursion where we got to learn about the law, government and voting. The incursion was lots of fun and taught us about democracy and how to vote! 
We had a pretend election where some of our classmates got to run for mayor – some of our candidates were Candidate Cabbage and Candidate Healthy. In the election people had to use preferential voting to vote for who they would want to be Mayor. We voted 1 for who we really wanted and 6 for who we didn't want.
We then got to count the votes, Candidate Cabbage had a lead, however didn't have a majority so we had to keep counting until we had a mayor with the full majority. Candidate Healthy had the most votes in the end and became the mayor. 
We then did a pretend council meeting about how dogs shouldn't have to walk on lead. There were two sides: for and against. It started by having the councillors say their side of the argument, answering questions from the community and then having a vote. It was so much fun! The Mayor even got to wear a costume and use a gavel.
The incursion taught us lots of new things about the local government and it was really fun.
~ George and Stella, 4C
Council candidates
Council meeting
Counting the votes
Pre-voting check
Voting booth
Meet the council candidates
Council meeting
Council candidates
Council meeting
Counting the votes
Pre-voting check
Voting booth
Meet the council candidates
Council meeting



Year 4s have been learning about writing memoirs. We have been busy writing memoirs, from topics such as magical moments, to breaking bones. 
A memoir is a story of something significant or drastic that has happened in our lives. We have been learning that people are grateful for things that have happened in the past.
We’ve learnt that memoirs help us express our feelings about things that have happened in our lives. 
~By Juliette (4A) and Elizabeth H (4B)


What are you writing your memoir about?

  • “When I went on a trip to Italy.” ~ Olivia, 4A
  • “My trip to Dubai.” ~ Felix, 4A
  • “Getting stuck in a corridor in Singapore.” ~ Nicholas K, 4B
  • “Going to Port Douglas.”  ~ Elizabeth K, 4B
  • “In Grade 4 when I found a friend to play with.” ~ Grace K, 4C
  • “When I got my cute pet cat.” ~ Eddie G, 4C



Gardening Club

Year 4 students have the opportunity to be in a gardening club every Wednesday afternoon. We go behind the Year 1 building and check on our newly planted seedlings. We water them and fertilise them. A few examples of things we have planted are Pak Choy, Carrots, Lettuce, Broccoli and Spinach. Gardening Club does other jobs like picking up litter to keep our yard clean.
~ Max (4B) and Hannah (4B)




In Year 4 we get to join our school Choir. It is on every Wednesday afternoon. So far we have found it really fun. At the moment, we are learning a very popular song, which we are keeping as a surprise. 
We are really happy we have signed up and we are looking forward to our performance. 
~ Cleo (4B) and Scarlett (4B)


~ Year 4 Teachers (Emilia, Jade & Katie) and Students