Principal's Report 

 We, at Miners Rest Primary School, would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation.

We pay our respects and thank the Wadawurrung people.

May we share your land. We promise to look after it, as well as the animals and people too.

Welcome Back!

A big welcome back to all of our families and a special warm welcome to our new families that are joining us this term. We are looking forward to a jam-packed, fun-filled term of lots of learning and positive wellbeing for everyone!

School Review

This term, the school is engaging in a School Review. The School Review is a key element of the Department of Education’s Framework for Improving Student Outcomes. Schools undertake a school review every 4 years to celebrate successes and inform the direction of the school’s 4-year School Strategic Plan (SSP). It is important that we achieve the greatest accuracy in reviewing the school’s achievements over the past four years, and therefore we are gathering feedback from as many families, staff, and students as possible. 

We are seeking input from families via a short survey and every family's perspective and input is vitally important to us! 

No matter how long you have been a member of our school community – your input is valuable.

Please take the time to access the survey, consider the questions, and take the opportunity to have a voice in our School Review.

We thank you, in advance, for your support and contribution to this important process.


Our school policies are current and available on our school website. We welcome feedback from our families at any time about the information that our policies contain.


The weather has been a little hit and miss at the beginning of this term. However, as we are a SunSmart School, students are required to wear a hat every day of April. From May 1, hats will no longer be a compulsory part of our school uniform. Please refer to our policy on the website for further information.

New Seating

Our groundsmen have done a power of work over the holiday period in terms of garden maintenance, including the installation of new seating across the school gardens. We are delighted with how are school grounds are looking and sincerely thank our JSC, and our PFA for their support in purchasing this seating for our students. 


Unfortunately, the school experienced a significant amount of vandalism over the holiday period, resulting in damage to our Vegie Gardens and outdoor play spaces. As a school we strive to remain vigilant, and we encourage our school community and neighbours to support us in this vigilance, to minimise the impact of vandalism on our school.


We warmly welcome Mr Grant Bell to our school, an experienced 5/6 classroom teacher from Woady Yallock Primary School. Mr Bell has already made positive connections with students in S4 and we are looking forward to having him on board for the rest of the year.


We also excitedly welcome back Casey Simpson (Johnstone). Miss J is returning from family leave and will be supporting students in their learning across the school, in a part-time capacity, for the rest of the year. Welcome back, Casey!

ANZAC Service

We are looking forward to our ANZAC Day Service, taking place at the Cenotaph next Wednesday (April 24) at 11:30 am. This service is prepared and presented in collaboration with our senior students, and is always a heartfelt acknowledgement to those who have served our country. Our school community are very welcome to join us for this commemoration.

School start and end times

Just a reminder that the school has staff supervising our three areas across the school from 8:45 am until 8:55 am to support students arriving at school and making their way into classrooms to engage in Readiness for Learning. Readiness for Learning is a structured, planned session that happens prior to the start of formal learning. This session supports the development of organisational skills and independence, and happens across the school consistently from Foundation to year 6.

After school, the three dismissal areas are supervised from 3:20 pm until 3:35pm, with students encouraged to leave the school grounds and make their way home as soon as dismissed.


We have assembly this Friday, commencing at 2:30 pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

What next?

Lots of events and special occasions for our children are coming up across the term, including camps, Mothers Day Stall and an open invitation for families to visit classrooms.

As well as...

Kelly Sports  - starting after school on Monday April 22 - see the newsletter for further information.

Curriculum Day on Friday April 26 - no school for students

Cross Country - April 29

Bulldogs Read visit to the library - April 30

Gymnastics commences on May 2 for our junior students

Grip Leadership Day happening on May 3 at Federation University.


Lots happening and lots to come.


Enjoy the rest of the week,


Kylie Nissen.