Secondary News

Mrs Lakshmi Mohan - Deputy Principal/Head of Teaching and Learning 

Mr Justin Desmarchelier - Head of Secondary 

Winter Uniform

All students will be transitioning to the Winter Uniform throughout Term 2. As the weather changes, the decision will be made regarding the exact timing of the transition. Two weeks' notice will be provided to the community, which will include a one-week grace period, before it becomes mandatory. We will provide a further update in the Welcome Back to Term 2 communication on Thursday 11 April 2024. 


In the meantime, we would appreciate you ensuring your child/ren have their Winter Uniform items ready in preparation for Term 2. Please refer to our Uniform Policy available on the website at the link below, and note the following expectations: 

  • Students in Years 9 to 12 can wear the previous Winter Uniform (green tunic), with either short white socks or black tights. Blazers are to be worn when coming to and from the College. 
  • Students in Years 7 to 12, who have the new Winter Uniform, are to:
    • Wear full length navy stockings with the navy skirt, or navy ankle socks in warmer weather during Winter. 
    • Wear navy socks with long trousers. 
    • Only tights and socks purchased through the Uniform Shop are acceptable. 
    • Badges are to be placed on the lapel of the blazer, with blazers to be worn when coming to and from the College. 

Cross Country

We're excited to announce the upcoming Interhouse Cross Country Championships.  


Date: Tuesday 16 April 

Age Groups: Years 7-12 

Location: Nudgee College 

Distance: All age groups will run the 3km course  

Information: Attendance at the Interhouse Cross Country Championships is compulsory.  


This year’s event promises to provide new challenges as our houses compete for the coveted championship title. Whether you're a seasoned runner or happy participant, our interhouse events are an opportunity to showcase your house spirit. 


Spectators are encouraged to come along and cheer on their house teams. 


CC Sport looks forward to hosting the new look event at Nudgee College. 


Please refer to the College App for further information 

Upcoming Events

16 AprilSecondary Interhouse Cross Country
23 April 

Anzac Day Assembly 

Care@Clayfield Parent Event with Dr Justin Coulson

24 AprilP&F Association Meeting
25 AprilAnzac Day Public Holiday