Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
Welcome back to school for Term 4! It is always wonderful to have our students back at school filling the learning spaces with their enthusiasm and tenacity!
2025 Planning
Term 4 is an exciting time in our school as we celebrate the successes of this year, while also preparing for 2025.
Next week we begin our ‘Pathway to Prep’ program with our Prep 2025 Parent Information Evening on Wednesday 16th October at 7pm. we Look forwrad to welcoming 90 prep students and their families in 2025.
Any families, with children not in Year 6, who will not be returning to SMCM next year are asked to advise via email as soon as possible to allow us to offer enrolment places to families on our waiting list.
In the coming weeks staff will begin drafting the 2025 Class Lists. If you have a request for your child’s class placement based on wellbeing or academic grounds please email these to me by Friday 1st November. Requests will be considered in line with staff recommendations, however can not be guaranteed.
Walking in the fooststeps of St Francis & St Clare
At the end of last term I had the privilege of traveling to Rome and Assisi on the North Central Zone Principal's Conference tracing the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare. This pilgrimage was an opportunity for deep reflection and spiritual renewal.
In Assisi, I was moved by the simplicity and humility that defined St. Francis’ life. Walking through the streets where he once roamed, it was impossible not to feel a connection to his message of peace, compassion, and reverence for all creation. Visiting the Basilica of St. Clare reminded me of her unwavering dedication to faith and service. She was a woman of courage and conviction and I endevaour to bring that same spirit back to our school community.
The experience reinforced the importance of kindness and community in our daily lives. Just as St. Francis and St. Clare embraced those values, I encourage us all to foster an environment of love, support, and understanding within our school.
As we move forward in this final term of 2024, let us carry the spirit of this pilgrimage with us, striving to be instruments of peace and joy in our school and beyond.
Congratulations to Effie, Matthew and Melania (Newton Homegroup)on the birth of their beautiful baby boy Micah!