Important Dates

Administration Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.15am - 4.15pm
Friday 8.15am - 3.45pm
Phone Number: 5484 1844
Monday 9th - Campaspe Athletics, Shepparton
Tuesday 10th - Preliminary Intermediate Boys Cricket, Nathalia
Tuesday 10th - Peg Out Day - EFD's site
Tuesday 10th - Resilience Project 12.30 to 1.30 Year 7-9 Students at Echuca
Thursday 12th - Resilience Project Year 10 to 12 at Echuca
Thursday 12th - Youth Expo Years 8-9
Monday 16th-Thursday 19th - Year 10 Mock Interviews
Monday 16th - Campaspe Intermediate Boys Cricket, Nathalia (TBC)
Tuesday 17th - Wellbeing Day for all students at RSC
Thursday 19th - Campaspe Jnr and Intermediate Girls Cricket, Kyabram
Thursday 19th - 8/9 OE Canoe Trip to Serpentine Creek
Thursday 19th - Year 12 La Trobe Regional program
Thursday 19th - Parent Teacher Interviews 4 pm to 6.30 pm
Students are encouraged to attend with their parents/careers
Friday 20th - Parent Teacher Interviews 10 am to 12 noon
Students are encouraged to attend with their parents/careers
Friday 20th - Pupil Free Day for students in Years 7-11
Friday 20th - Year 12 English practice exam
Friday 20th - Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm dismissal
Monday 7th - First day Term 4
Tuesday 8th - Campaspe 7 & 8 Boys Cricket
Tuesday 8th - Year 12 La Trobe Regional Program
Wednesday 9th-Friday 11th - Dukes Summit Camp
Thursday 10th - LMR Athletics Bendigo
Monday 14th - LMR Year 8 Boys & Girls Cricket
Tuesday 15th - LMR Intermediate Boys & Girls Cricket
Thursday 17th - LMR Year 7 & 8 Girls Basketball
Monday 21st-Tuesday 22nd - OES Canoe Trip Year 11 (TBC)
Tuesday 22nd - Project ROCKIT Year 7-9
Wednesday 23rd - LMR Year 7 Girls and Boys Cricket
Wednesday 23rd - LMR Intermediate Girls and Boys Basketball
Monday 28th October-Friday 1st November - Year 10 Sydney Camp
Tuesday 29th - VCE ENGLISH Exam 9am to 12.15 pm
Monday 11th-Friday 15th - Year 9 Queensland Camp
Friday 22nd - Year 12 Graduation - Rich River Echuca