Principal's Report

Term three is quickly drawing to a close and will conclude with parent teacher interviews and a practice English Exam for our year 12 students. Parent teacher interviews will be held on the 19th September between 4:00pm and 6:30pm and between 10:00am and 12:00pm on Friday 20th September. The last day of term (20th September) will be a student free day for students in years 7-11 to allow for these interviews to occur. It is strongly recommended that all students book in a time with their subject teachers to review their learning and receive valuable feedback. Year 12 students sitting exams will complete a practice English exam on Friday 20th September to assist them with their preparation for their upcoming exams.
Work Experience
Last week over 60 students in year 10 had the opportunity go out of the school and complete a weeks of work experience. This was a great opportunity to explore future career opportunities and build connections within the community. Thank you to staff members Wendy McKenzie and Christine Hooppell for organising the students and liaising with our local business’s. I would also like to thank each of the local businesses that have hosted our students, it is a very positive experience for all involved and we appreciate the partnership.
School Review
We have completed our school review and have developed our goals for our new Startegic Plan. Our reviewer Julie Myers will be attending the school on 24th October to present the Review Report to staff and School Council. The review was a positive experience and has allowed us to begin our planning for the next four years. I look forward to sharing the feedback and our new Strategic Plan with our school community in term 4.
First Nation Shirt Presentation
On Thursday, the school hosted a morning tea for our First Nation Students and their families to present students with their First Nation School shirts. The event was catered for by our Year 10 VET Hospitality students who provided a yummy morning tea for all to share.
Staff member Christine Carty and DET Koorie Engagement Support Officer Paul Clark have been doing a power of work with our First Nation Students to help give our First Nation students a voice and celebrate our First Nation culture with our whole school community. Through this work, students made the request for a specific school shirt to be developed in partnership with a local artist so the shirts could be worn on days of cultural significance and during First Nation activities.
The shirts were presented to students by Artist Neva Takele who worked with the students on a design based on the school logo that looks fantastic while also telling a unique story.
We would like to thank Neva for working with the students, the School Council for supporting the initiative and Rochester Community House who provided funding for this project to happen. The school is very grateful for the support Rochester Community House has provided for this project and other projects around the school.
The shirts will feature in the Campaspe News and students are excited with the finished product and are wearing them with pride.
Matt Koutroubas