Maths News

Miss Flack

Australian Maths Competition (AMC)


Early in Term 3, we were lucky enough to have 66 students from grades 3-6 volunteer to participate in the Australian Maths Competition. This is a very tough, nation-wide mathematics competition run by the Australian Maths Trust.


Our results were exceptional, with 45 students scoring a Credit or higher… an amazing result!


Three students achieved a High Distinction, which puts them in the top 3% of all students at their year level.

Congratulations to Logan Tan, Caleb Burt, and Zachariah Narangala (who also achieved ‘best in school’)… we’re super proud of you, and all the other students who were courageous enough to give it a go.  

Maths Riddle #12

A huge shout out to all of the students who participated in the last riddle. Congratulations to Jake from 5/6R, who successfully answered the question first. 


Question: How many chairs and table are there in the Passive Play area?

Answer: 16 Tables and 64 Chairs.

Riddle #13

Find the pencils at the front of the school. Your mission is to list the pencil colours in order of height (shortest to tallest). Submit your answers here;