Monday 7 October
Start of Term 4
Thursday 17 October
Last Day Year 12 classes | Year 12 Breakfast
Friday 18 October
Year 12 Festivities Day
Tuesday 28 October to Wednesday 20 November
VCAA Exams
Monday 18 to Tuesday 19 November
Unit 2 Exams
Tuesday 19 November
Last Day of Classes Unit 2 VM
Wednesday 20 to Friday 22 November
2025 Year 12 Retreat
Monday 25 November to Friday 6 December
Step Up Program
Wednesday 4 December
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
Thursday 12 December
VCAA Results Released
Lilydale Amazing Race
Tuesday 17 September
Year 11 VM Related Skills students created an Amazing Race around Lilydale as part of part of their Learning Outcomes for Unit 1and 2.
The students worked in groups to find locations and meet challenges based on work-related skills relating to employment services, work, and education.
Olivia Bradshaw - Year 12
On Thursday 19 September, the Hon. Milton Dick MP - Speaker of the House of Representatives, announced Olivia (Year 12 Captain) as the WINNER of the Year 12 category for the 2024 My First Speech competition.
The competition asked students in Years 10 to 12 to write and record a 90-second speech on a topic they are passionate about as if they are making their first speech in the House of Representatives.
From hundreds of entries across the country, Olivia’s speech focused on improving the public education system and reintroducing free university fees.
Olivia is now invited along with a parent to Parliament House in Canberra on 5 & 6 November, to meet members of parliament and the Hon. Milton Dick MP, along with others. She will also be invited to give her speech at a live event at Parliament House.
Congratulations, Olivia! This is truly an amazing achievement.
Exploring Evolution Excursion
Tuesday 30 August
Unit 4 Biology students conducting their final AOS 2 experiments at Yarra Ranges Tech School.
In teams, they worked to explore evolution and identify different species of lemurs using molecular biology techniques covered in the study design. Such an awesome opportunity, and so much fun!
Sally Stepniewski
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
Senior School is excited for the upcoming Valedictory Dinner on Wednesday, 4 December, to celebrate our Year 12 cohort’s achievements, which represent years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
We look forward to an unforgettable night that acknowledges the bright future that awaits our graduates.
VCE Coordinators