Monday 7 October
Start of Term 4
Wednesday 9 October
EMR Athletics Championships
Monday 14 October
Benalla Field and Game Clay Target Shooting
Tuesday 5 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Monday 25 November
Step-Up Program | Nov 25 to Dec 6
Sunday 1 December
Australian Schools Basketball Championships QLD | 1 to 6
Monday 9 December
End of Year Program | 9 to 20
Friday 20 December
End of Term 4
Year 7 Science - Forces
Egg Drop Practical
Ms Bottin's 7N class conducted an experiment on air resistance and gravity!
Year 8 Body Systems
Year 8 Science students attended Yarra Ranges Tech School to explore 'Body Systems' as part of their Science course.
Proud SPORT Achievement
Year 7 student, Jayden Jolley (Jj), recently showcased his extraordinary skills at the Australian national finals of the World Ninja League (Preteen | The Compound | Premier Series 2024).
Demonstrating remarkable agility and strength, Jayden secured an impressive 2nd place, earning himself a well-deserved spot in the upcoming World Ninja Premier League in Bellingham, Washington State, USA this November.
To qualify for this exclusive event, Jayden had to outperform opponents, confirming his place among the top 25% of the most gifted ninjas worldwide.
Jayden's outstanding achievements in the Ninja community include holding two national titles, as the Under 9 and Under 11 Australian Male Champion. His success in these competitions not only showcases his individual talent but also underscores his dedication and perseverance in the sport.
It's no surprise that his invitation to the World Ninja Premier League is seen as a significant milestone in his burgeoning ninja career.
LHS is incredibly proud of Jayden's accomplishments and would like to extend a BIG congratulations and best wishes to him as he prepares for the upcoming competition.
With his proven track record and unwavering determination, there's no doubt that Jayden will continue to inspire and impress in the world of ninja athletics.
Year 7 & 8
End of Year Program
Please see the attached letter below, regarding the 2024 End of Year Program 'Optional Activities' on offer this year.
Payments will OPEN on Compass for these events on Monday, 7 October and will CLOSE on Tuesday, 22 October.
Please note: Excursions that have a limited number of students able to attend will close sooner than the cut-off date if they reach their capacity earlier, so if you want to book an excursion, we encourage you not to delay your payment/consent to avoid disappointment.
Please read the information attached carefully and feel free to contact a Junior School Coordinator if you have any questions about this program.
Happy School Holidays
The Junior School Coordinators, wish our Year 7 and 8 students and families a safe and happy September holidays. We look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of Term 4, Monday, 7 October.
Junior School Coordinators