Term 3
As Term 3 comes to an end, I would like to thank the staff for their ongoing commitment to our students. It is not an easy profession these days, but one that is truly worthwhile, particularly when we see our students achieve.
The middle leaders do a wonderful job in their respective areas of student management, curriculum, inclusion, and operations, and the Assistant Principal team is an ‘awesome foursome’ with their ongoing support to drive the vision of the school.
The staff never lose sight of our purpose: academic excellence, building resilience, and supporting students to thrive in the community.
There have been many highlights this term, here are a few:
Year 10 Formal
In August, students had a fabulous night at Tatra Receptions, Mt Dandenong.
Year 9 My Health Challenge Project
Students researched a health-related issue and then took some action to address it over a four-week period; many reduced their screen time after recognising that too much can affect mental health.
Year 7 Health & Wellbeing/Screen Free Day
The day began with a relaxing walk around the lake, followed by many fun and engaging activities related to health experienced by all students.
Book Week
A vibrant celebration filled with some great costumes and lots of book swaps that encouraged a love for reading and to discover new books!
Other Events and Celebrations
Athletics Carnival, Year 12 Health & Wellbeing Day, Awards Assemblies, VCE Snow Camp, VCE Arts Camp, The Voice, Battle of The Bands, September Soiree, Year 8 Adventure Day Camp, School Production, Staff Ice Bucket Challenge, Dunk the Teacher, Clay Target Shooting, VCE Ski Camp, R U OK? Day, Course Selection, Anything But Backpack Day, VCE Drama Solos, Tasmania Mountain Bike Camp and a range of sporting teams took to the fields/courts.
As always, we have provided as many opportunities as possible for students to engage in.
Student Achievement
The Parliament Prize is an annual competition where students share what they would say if they were a politician.
We were extremely proud and pleased that one of our Year 8 Captains Sigourney Crocker, won the Year 7 - 9 section with her speech on Recycling in Australia.
It really was an amazing achievement to be considered the best speaker out of over one thousand entries. Our heartiest congratulations go to Sigourney!
Year 12 students - nearly there!
As 13 years of primary and secondary education come to an end, I want to wish our Year 12 students all the best over the term break as they undertake practice exams and finish up assignments in readiness for a fast-approaching end of year.
Our advice is always to stay on top of the workload and make sure they are looking after their health by exercising, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep. The staff are always happy to assist in any way possible to ensure the students feel supported.
School Saving Bonus
A reminder that a sum of $400 per student will be available in November to assist with school costs. It will be able to be accessed through an external parent portal.
To ensure this money is available to you, it is imperative that we have your details correct here at the school.
You can check your details, email address, etc., by logging into Compass. Some changes can be made by you; however, you can email changes to us via the school email address;
2025 Change of daily structure
Lilydale High School will move from a 6 period day to a 5 period day in 2025.
Currently a period is 48 minutes, the new structure will see 60 minute periods implemented. This will include:
- Period 1
- Period 2
- Period 3
- Period 4
- Period 5
The reason the for move is to allow more teaching and learning time in each session and to allow more part time teachers to teach across a wider range of year levels.
Start and finish times will remain approximately the same, the exact bell times will be advertised towards the end of the year.
3 Way Conferences
Thank you to parents, carers and students for attending the 3 Way Conferences, held in the last week of Term 3.
The conferences are designed to gain insight into your child’s progress, address any questions you may have, and work together with the teacher/s to ensure a successful academic experience for your child.
I am always very happy to meet with parents and carers to discuss any issue, large or small.
Finally, please enjoy your break; we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday, 7 October, to start Term 4.
Wendy Powson