Home learning
A reminder that your child will have the opportunity to bring home a fiction or non-fiction library book each week.
Each class swaps their take home readers twice a week. These books have been reorganised to better align to our InitiaLit Scope and Sequence this term as well as your child’s individual learning needs.
For this reason, you may find that your child brings home a book that they have already read. If this is the case, we encourage them to still have a go at the book, but to practise reading with fluency (sounding less robotic and knowing tricky words automatically) and expression (reading with feeling). If this continues to happen, please chat to your child’s classroom teacher and they can assist your child to try and choose books they have not yet read.
Some of the books may appear to be short and simple, but they are focusing on an individual sound, and they are meant to be short and sharp. These sounds may correlate to what is being taught in class, but also will be targeted at your child’s specific learning needs. We have also purchased books from a range of companies, which is why some may be longer than others. This does not necessarily mean that a short book is ‘easier’ than the longer ones. If your child is finding the book quite long, please do not feel like they have to read the whole thing in one night- they can read it over a number of nights.
Children need to read the same book at least three times. Firstly, to decode the text, secondly to comprehend the story and thirdly to read with fluency. The take home books should be easy for them to read.
If your child is in Level 1 or 2 and is wanting to have a go at more challenging/ engaging books on top of their decodable reader each night, we suggest trying the following books:
- School of Monsters
- Hey Jack
- Ninja Kids
- Smart Pup
- Billie B Brown
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your child’s classroom teacher and they will be happy to assist you.
Tricky word Spelling
Your child has a individual highlighted list of words. These are words they spelt incorrectly in our latest Tricky Word test. We would love to see all students in Level 1/ 2 select 5 tricky words each week and practise at least one night each week, as it really does make a big difference. Your child will bring home an updated list soon if they have not yet this Term.