

Becoming Strong and Courageous

With the School Concert fast approaching, we have been talking about putting our brave in front. These conversations led me to this devotion written by Molly Howard.


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” — Joshua 1:9 NIV


Every day we are presented with new opportunities, new situations and new knowledge. Sometimes these new aspects in life can lead to fear. We may worry about our future, safety, money, society or a variety of other things. In a world that can be fear inducing, how do we become strong and courageous people?


Becoming a strong and courageous person requires us to turn our eyes to God and not to the worries and troubles of this world. When we shift our focus and trust to him, we are able to find strength.


Here are some ways we can find courage in the midst of fear:

  • Pray: We are never alone. Praying about receiving courage is one way we can take a step toward bravery and away from fear. God will answer our call.
  • Turn to scripture: Scripture is full of courage with none more courageous than Jesus Christ himself. As we open the Bible, we can read how other people were strong and courageous and that can help inspire us to be as well.
  • Take a step back: Sometimes we need to take a step back from our situation in order to see it clearly. We can look at the bigger picture. Will the event we are afraid of actually impact us as much as we think? Sometimes we need to acknowledge our fear, and taking a step back allows us to see our situation with a new perspective.
  • Spend time with courageous people: When we spend time around people, they begin to rub off on us. The more courageous people we surround ourselves with, the more we will be encouraged and inspired to act with strength and courage.


Submitted by Henry Sheedy