Religious Education

Welcome Back to Term 4
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34)
At our first staff meeting of Term 4, we reflected on a message from the Gospel of Matthew 6:34: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
As we enter this busy time of year, with transitions, new beginnings, and the inevitable uncertainties that come with them, this scripture reminds us to focus on the present and trust in God's plan. Just as we encourage our students to grow day by day, we too can lean into this message—taking things one step at a time, without the weight of future worries.
For families, this is a beautiful reminder that while the term may feel overwhelming at times, whether it’s preparing for new classes in 2025 or changes ahead, we are not alone. God's wisdom and care guide us through every challenge.
Year 1 Prayer in PJs & Mass
This is a reminder for the Year 1 family that the Prayer in PJs night will be held on Tuesday, October 22nd @ 5:30 pm. Students and families are encouraged to wear their pyjamas. The night will involve 4 activities built around the Gospel.
The Year 1 Family Mass (26th October) has been postponed. We will aim to have this on a date later this term. We will try to give as much notice as possible.
Gospel Reflection - Sunday, October 13th
Gospel Reading
Mark 10:17-30
A man with many possessions asks Jesus what he must do to gain eternal life.
Family Connection
Today’s Gospel might make us uncomfortable about our possessions. This discomfort offers us an opportunity to consider our possessions and our family’s commitment to the poor. Material possessions are a necessity in our culture. Our use of these possessions and our attitude about their importance is our choice, however. It is a choice we can make with the awareness that our faith in Jesus commits us to show our care for the poor.
As you gather as a family, consider together these questions: Would it be possible to inventory our possessions? Are there things in our house that we no longer need or use? What might we do with these things? Read together today’s Gospel, Mark 10:17-30. Talk about the warning about material possessions that Jesus gives in this Gospel. How does this make you feel? Choose an action that helps your family show its commitment to the poor. Conclude by praying together the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis.
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader