Principal's Report

Welcome back to Term 4!
Welcome back to our final term of the school year. We have another busy term planned so we ask that you keep an eye on the school calendar and communications from the school.
We welcome one student to St Finbar's this term. Brooklyn has joined us in 3K, and we look forward to Brooklyn and her family becoming part of the St Finbar's community.
We ask you to keep Father Ian in your thoughts and prayers, as he is currently recovering from a medical procedure. He is recovering well and hopefully we'll see him again very soon.
Staffing News
As the end of the year is fast approaching, we are already thinking about the 2025 school year and changes for next year.
I am sad to announce that Susan Williams will be leaving St Finbar's at the end of this year, and will be moving on to St Patrick's in Mentone. We're grateful that we still have one more term with Susan, and she has already started preparing for our upcoming Christmas Carols on the 4th December. We have benefitted from Susan's passion and experience over the past five years, but Susan is ready for a new challenge at a new school. I'm excited to announce that Nonie Kay will be taking over as our Performing Arts teacher in 2025.
It is my also pleasure to announce that Laura Zeeng will be taking on the roles of Deputy Principal and Religious Education Leader (REL) in 2025, whilst Peggy is on parental leave. Laura will also keep her Wellbeing Leader role.
As we are in Term 4, children should now be back to wearing our full summer uniform. Children also need to be wearing hats whenever they are outdoors. Please check that your hats are clearly named, as names can fade over time. Hats are easily misplaced but we will always get them back to their owners if we can read the name.
Whilst on the topic of uniform. the Lost Property rack is currently overflowing. We will be clearing that and donating items without a name very soon, so if your child has misplaced an item of clothing (especially jumpers or jackets) it is probably worth checking the Lost Property rack down near 1L.
CDF Pay - new App
By now you should have received an email about our moving across to the new CDF Pay App. Please see the following attachment as you will need to update your App and log-in details in order to place orders through the Healthy Hut and Uniform Shop.
Congratulations to one of our past students, Scarlett Martiniello, who has been appointed College Co-Captain of Star of the Sea in 2025. Scarlett graduated from St Finbar's in 2019.
Take care and God bless,
Michelle Hill