Year 1 Update

1A-Ms Beamish
1B-Ms Floyd
1C-Ms Strickland
1D-Ms Hope
1E-Ms Bartlett
1A-Ms Beamish
1B-Ms Floyd
1C-Ms Strickland
1D-Ms Hope
1E-Ms Bartlett

Our Learning -Term 3, Week 10 

To finish a fantastic Term 3, Year 1 students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

ReadingStudents continue to engage in literacy activities using the Little Learners Love Literacy program. We are revising our long and short vowel sounds. The students will also be completing reading assessments with their teachers.
Writing Our writing is an Information Report poster about an animal. The students will also be able to choose their own genre for a piece of writing in a free writing session.
MathsStudents are exploring Addition and Subtraction through hands-on learning and engaging in groupwork, through games focussing on place value.
InquiryStudents are finishing our Inquiry topic of Sustainability and learning about the 3R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. They will learn about the impacts of not looking after our Earth, and participating in activities around Dr Suess's Lorax story. 
SELStudents are engaging in learning activities about the importance of working together and ways to solve problems.


EARLY DISMISSAL: Friday is the last day of school and we finish at 2:30. 

HATS: Students will be required to wear their hats. Please check if your child has their named hat at school. Students without hats are required to stay in an undercover area for sun protection.

Literacy : The Concrete Garden

Learning in the Classroom