Early Learning Centre
Our Learning
During this fortnight in the 3-and 4-year-old kindergarten, the children have been undertaking learning in the following areas:
Pre-Reading : Clapping out the syllables in their name Listening to the Year 6 students read stories they had written Borrowing books from the ELC library Looking for the story contained in the illustrations of a book |
Pre-Writing: Signing themselves in on arrival each day Developing and refining their fine motor skills through a range of activities including threading, peg boards, playdough, cutting with scissors, tearing paper, pipe cleaners drawing and painting Using Tommy Turtle to develop their understanding of how to form letters
STEM : Continuing to develop an understanding of the concept of subitising with the use of dominoes Exploring patterning Understanding programming with the BeeBots |
Inquiry : Exploring the Unit of Inquiry: Light has an impact on the world around us Group discussions and wonderings are explored Exploring light, colour and shadows with the use of the overhead projector, light table, fairy lights and torches |
Social & emotional learning : Cosmic kids yoga Listening to different types of music and focusing on how these make us feel Practicing different calming techniques
Celebration of learning
Enrolments for free 3 and 4 year old sessional kindergarten.
Enrol through Casey Council for Hillsmeade Kindergarten.
Long Day Care enrolments with kindergarten is through the ELC office.
You can contact the ELC or pop in for a visit for enrolment inquires.
Phone: 9704 6313 - Option ELC
Email: elc@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au