Year 5 Update
Upcoming Learning for Term 3, Week 10
- Reading - To understand how different authors use specific techniques to create a unique voice in their writing.
- Writing- To write narratives following the Writing process.
- Maths- To understand time as a unit of measurement.
- Inquiry- To understand important events in Australian history.
- Social and Emotional Learning- To investigate resources to manage changes and transitions associated with puberty.
Upcoming Events
Friday 20th - Last Day of Term 3 (2:30 dismissal)
Footy Day
Hillsmeade Heroes
Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this fortnight:
5A- Larissa & Costa
5B- Zac. B & Will C
5C- Riley & Ben
5D- Yuvraj & Ella
5E- Altay & Taylah
Hats are now compulsory. Please check if your child has their named hat at school. Students without hats are required to stay in an undercover area for sun protection.
Math - developing speed and fluency with multiplication and division facts.
Reading - Every night. Reading can be tracked in students' diaries or homework book.
Inquiry - Students will have weekly tasks to complete focused on a key person in Australian history.